The children absolutely loved it. I had barely finished reading the instructions before they had run off searching. I had never seen a group of 40 people run so fast - especially because they knew a prize was in store!
We had also purchased a crate of eggs (they don't come in boxes here) so we could have an egg and spoon race! Different classes raced against each other, whilst myself, another volunteer who has arrived and Rev. Laud also raced against each other....luckily my class three cheered me on VERY loudly and I was winning, but saw Rev. Laud coming up behind me and got nervous and dropped the egg! I felt very bad for letting my lovely class 3 down but they still gave me lots of hugs after anyway!
And here are a few pictures of my cuties from Class 3 - as you can probably tell, I am very attached and really missed them yesterday and it was only one day I was not with them - how I'm going to cope when I leave here for good I don't know!
'Madame Josie, can you snap me?' - poser! |
With the girlies of Class 3! |
All together! <3 |
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