Hello everyone!
It looks like it's time for another post seeing as I have started my next trip! I will be staying in Ghana for 5 weeks working as a volunteer for The Anidaso Nsae Foundation (TANF). I will be teaching English and Maths each day as well as running sports on Fridays. In addition I will be helping the founder of the project try to expand the foundation, bring new ideas, update the Facebook/website/blog and raise awareness of TANF. An additional activity which myself and Rev. Laud the founder came by will be to help assist local health workers in the community. TANF is looking to support people in the community in as many ways as possible, so integrating with this will be another step...i'll sort of be the guinea pig for TANF to see if working in the health sector will be advantageous.
TANF is a project based just outside of Accra, the capital of Ghana and aims to free children from child labour and putting them into a stable, free, education. (http://www.tanfghana.org/) Check out the website to find out more.

So...ever since I have arrived it has been go, go, go! The day after I arrived, I went to visit the school where I will be teaching and was introduced to some of the teachers and each of the classrooms. Of course, it was nothing like a British school and four different classes were all squashed into one classroom!

I was then taken by Laud into the center of Accra...which is HUGEEE! We went to the National Theatre, which holds 1500 seats and were given a backstage tour! We then went to the Independence Square which is used for parades on special holidays. From there we went to the beach! I have never been to a beach in another continent before and it was gorgeous! I had to wear my shoes on the sand because it was so hot (forgot to say its about 32 degrees here) and the sea was lovely...warm but still refreshing. I then decided to have a horse ride along the beach, however as soon as I hoiked my leg over I heard a dreaded rip....MASSIVE hole in crotch...not good. I continued on my horse ride because it was lovely but then quickly got off and had to buy some men's trunks and pretend they were fashionable shorts.

Yesterday was also really busy...I had been looking at the TANF's blog and we were brainstorming ideas to make it better. So I decided that on the link where people can sponsor a child, I thought it would be good to write a 'story' about the child and why they need sponsorship. We then went to Wisdom Academy (where I will be teaching and were TANF children are studying) to take photos of the children and to find out their background. Check out the
blog to see my work and click on 'sponsor a child'! All children greatly need all the help they can...so please...if you can, donate or sponsor TANF.
We also had a meeting at the school with all teachers to introduce ourselves properly and talk about what I would be doing...I received my timetable and we also starting planning the Easter party - where I hope to do an egg hunt and also egg rolling!

Finally, today was also very productive. I was talking to Laud about what else I could do during my free time to help TANF along with teaching - most days I finish at 12:30pm. One of the ideas was to work alongside the health workers in the community. We met up with Gloria and Matilda today who were very keen for me to be involved in one of their monthly weigh-ins of newborns, as well as attending home visits and recording data for them. I will also be able to go to school visits which speak about variety of health issues. We stumbled on the right day as Gloria and Matilda had just received a building from the community to be used as a health center. However, it was a tip! It had to be cleared out of furniture and completely scrubbed down from all of the African red dust. Soon it will be painted and fingers crossed it will be up and running soon! Also read the
blog to see the news post I wrote about today's work.
Overall, so much as happened within a such a short space of time! But that's what I like...I would rather be too busy than hang around doing nothing. Rev. Laud really seems to understand this and has been keen to contact different people with regard to work. Ghana is going well!