Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Electric Cooker

So it didn't take long for the next eventful guests to walk through the door! Two South Korean ladies checked in for one night, a mother and daughter, and immediately alarm bells started ringing. I was struggling not to laugh when the mum started flirting with one of the male workers from South Africa here. 'You are very nice looking'...'You are very kind'...etc etc, all in the space of about 10 minutes. I showed them to their room and made sure they were settled and came back into the main living space to settle down for a film with everyone. We then heard a little squeaking 'Excuse me', so I got up to see what the problem was. They wanted to know if there was anywhere they could buy food, but it was a Sunday and around 9:30 so the supermarket was closed, but I told them it would be open in the morning.

We started getting settled, making drinks and quickly checking emails when the power suddenly shut off. We thought nothing of it as this sometimes happens and we ran outside to the power thing place and switched the leccy back on. 5 minutes later, the same thing happens again...we repeat the process, only to find another 5 minutes later it happens again. This only occurs when something that uses a lot of electicity/power is plugged in so Maurizio asked me to check if the Korean ladies were using anything strange. Low and behold I walked in to ask if they did...they shuffled around looking confused and when I walked behind one of the bunks I found they had basically set up camp. They had plugged in a full electric cooker and were busy bubbling something away in a decent sized saucepan! They were very tiny women and only had tiny bags with them so how the heck they managed to lug this thing around god alone knows! I had to explain to them that 1) there was no cooking allowed in the rooms, 2) the electric cooker is NOT allowed and 3) food in general is not allowed in the rooms either.

They tried to protest saying the supermarket was closed but I told them that there were places to buy ready cooked food around...like any other normal person would do.

Oh well, we all found it very funny the thought of people carrying an electric cooker around Europe with them and they were very sweet (despite taking over the bathroom they were sharing with me and using up all the hot water even though there is a massive sign saying 'limit your shower time').

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