Friday, 23 November 2012

 Somehow got ourselves invited to a Muslim Indian wedding! (part 1) Another excuse to wear our Saris! Everyone was very excited and so welcoming.
 The groom's wedding car! (Only men allowed to watch this bit, photo courtesy of James). Enita and I stood in the hall with the women singing and preparing to dress the groom's family in flowers.
 The groom saying 'I do' - the bride and groom took this part of the ceremony in separate rooms.
 With the groom - who was VERY nervous, but very excited to have us there.
 Second day of the celebrations! (In a new Sari!) Party evening!
 With our new friends - we felt very underdressed compared to some of the other women there!
 With the bride's brother and a new friend who looked after us so well. Everyone made sure we ate loads and danced and had water to drink, which we had to decline because it wasn't filtered.
 Visit to the Sikh temple - the birth place of Gorvind Singh who was the founder of Sikhism as a religion and was built by M. Ranjit Singh the last emperor of the Sikh empire.
 Delivering the first Learning game 'Getting to Know Each Other' to rural girls  - very different to the girls in the school as they are very reserved and shy. The whole village came to watch so we were under pressure!
 'Girls stay strong together' - the chant after each learning game.
 Second learning game - Preventing Diarrhoea. Here the girls are acting our different scenarios that cause 'loose motion' (Indian saying) e.g. a fly lands on a latrine, then lands on food which a girl then eats. Why does she get diarrhoea?
 Second SHG doing the first learning game - balanced diet.
Naushad, one of the Indian volunteers, being an excellent teacher! Overall, a very successful working week, despite very long travelling!

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